Cleansing and Storing Tarot Cards for Beginners

Cleansing Your Tarot Cards

Step 1: Understand Why You Should Cleanse Your Cards

Tarot cards are believed to hold and accumulate energy, which can affect your readings. Cleansing your cards can help to remove any negative energy or blockages, and can also reset the cards to their natural state.

Step 2: Choose a Cleansing Method

There are many methods to cleanse your tarot cards, and you should choose one that resonates with you. Some methods include:

Smudging: This involves burning sage, palo santo, or another cleansing herb, and passing your cards through the smoke.

Moonlight: Lay your cards out in the moonlight during a full moon.

Crystals: Certain crystals are believed to cleanse and charge items placed near them. Clear quartz and selenite are two such crystals often used for this purpose.

Visualization: Hold your deck in your hands and visualize a bright light cleansing the cards and removing any unwanted energy.

Step 3: Carry Out the Cleansing

Depending on the method you've chosen, carry out the cleansing ritual. This process should be respectful and unhurried. As you cleanse, try to focus your mind on the intention of clearing negative energy.

Storing Your Tarot Cards

Step 1: Find a Suitable Place for Storage

Store your tarot cards in a clean, quiet place where they won't be disturbed. It should ideally be a place that makes you feel calm and peaceful.

Step 2: Choose a Container or Cloth

Many people choose to wrap their cards in a silk cloth or store them in a special box. You can also purchase or make a bag for your cards. This is not only practical but also shows respect for your tarot deck. Whatever you choose should resonate with you and make you feel good.

Step 3: Consider Adding a Crystal or Herb

Some people like to store a small crystal or herb with their tarot cards. This is believed to protect the cards and keep their energy clear. If you choose to do this, make sure to regularly cleanse the crystal or replace the herb.

Step 4: Handle Your Cards with Respect

Whenever you're handling your tarot cards, try to do so with respect and intention. This will help to keep their energy clear and can enhance your connection with the cards.