Celtic Cross


What are the influences and challenges I need to be aware of in my current job situation, and what is the potential outcome?

What are the root causes of the difficulties I'm experiencing in my relationship, and how can I improve the situation?

What factors are affecting my current state of health, and what can I do to improve it?

What are the underlying issues that are causing my current financial situation, and what steps can I take to improve it?

What are the influences, challenges, and potential outcomes of my decision to move to a new city?


The Celtic Cross tarot spread is one of the most commonly used spreads by Tarot readers, and there are as many variations of it as there are Tarot readers. It is a complex spread that allows for a deep dive into the querent's situation, providing insights into the dynamics between various aspects of their life. Here's a detailed description of each card position in the Celtic Cross spread. Please note that the Celtic Cross spread is a tool for guidance and reflection. The future is not set in stone and the cards are meant to provide insight that can help the querent make more informed decisions. The power to change the future always lies within the querent's own actions and decisions


  • Present Situation:Present Situation: This card represents what is happening to the querent at the present time. It also reflects the querent's state of mind and how they may be perceiving the situation.
  • Challenge:Challenge: This card represents the immediate challenge or problem facing the querent. This is the one thing that, if resolved, would make life a lot easier. Even if a 'positive' card is drawn in this position, it should be considered carefully as it still represents a challenge.
  • Root Cause:Root Cause of the Situation: This card represents the events that have led up to the present situation and may provide some indication of how the challenge came about.
  • Distant Past:Distant Past: This card represents what has happened in the past that is influencing the current situation. It can shed light on past experiences or events that have shaped the querent's present circumstances.
  • Recent Past:Recent Past: This card reflects recent events or influences that are directly impacting the current situation. It can provide insights into what has recently changed or what actions have led to the current state of affairs.
  • Future:Future Influences: This card represents what is likely to occur within the next few weeks or even months. This is not the final outcome, simply the next step on the journey.
  • Attitude:Querent's Attitude: This card reflects the querent's perspective or attitude towards the current situation. It can reveal how the querent is feeling about the situation and what their approach or response is.
  • Others:How Others See the Querent: This card highlights the people, energies, or events which will affect the outcome of the question and are beyond the querent's control. It can provide insights into how others perceive the querent and their situation.
  • Hopes/Fears:Hopes and Fears: This is perhaps one of the most difficult positions to interpret. It represents the querent's hopes, dreams, fears, and anxieties related to the situation. Keep in mind that hopes and fears are closely intertwined, therefore that which we hope for may also be that which we fear, and so may fail to happen.
  • Outcome:Outcome: This card is representative of where the situation is headed and if/how the issue will be resolved. It assumes the outcome based on the querent continuing their current course of action. Of course, if the outcome card is not a desirable outcome, it is within the free will of the querent to make the necessary changes to their situation.