Exploring the Major Arcana

The Major Arcana is a collection of 22 cards that form the foundation of the tarot deck. Each card depicts a scene, often featuring a person or several people, with many symbolic elements. These cards tell the story of The Fool's journey - a narrative of our own journey through life.

Significance of Each Card

The cards start with The Fool, representing innocence and beginnings, and progress through themes of wisdom, strength, and reflection, culminating in The World, which signifies completion, wholeness, and fulfillment.

Cards like The Magician and The High Priestess symbolize the conscious and subconscious minds, while The Emperor and The Empress represent the dual nature of leadership and nurturing.

Themes and Lessons

Major Arcana cards often appear in a reading when important life lessons or karmic situations are unfolding. These cards encourage introspection and reflection, asking us to consider our life's broader patterns and themes.

Interpretation in Readings

In tarot readings, the presence of Major Arcana cards is significant. They highlight crucial life events, personal challenges, and pivotal decisions. Their appearance guides us to listen closely to our intuition and inner wisdom.


The Trumps or Major Arcana are more than just cards; they are a journey through the stages of life. They represent our struggles, triumphs, hopes, and fears, serving as a mirror to our own existence and guiding us towards self-realization.